What was the seed that grew into what is now your rural natural business?
JAGODA JPS is a farm machinery manufacturer founded in 1997. Previously I was working in the Experimental Horticulture Mechanization in Skierniewice, The Capital of Fruit Science of Poland and this was the seed for my business. Initially, the company dealt with the sale of spare parts and service of farm machinery. They then developed into the production of their own machines. Now over the years the company assortment has been constantly developing and gaining an ever-wider range and in 2006, the headquarters was moved to Pamiętna close to Skierniewice.
What has been the biggest challenge you have overcome or lesson you have learnt as a female food entrepreneur?
Company designers constantly develop and perfect the products. Many design solutions that have been developed in the company are patented and manufactured, the machines are protected by law as utility models. The biggest hurdle we have was and is the making of patents.
What advice would you give to aspiring female food entrepreneurs?
Work hard and constantly learn and develop your dream, this has been the key to my success.
If there had been (female entrepreneurial) training available to you before you set up your business would you have engaged with it? Did you do any training?
If there was training available for me, I would use it.
If you were interested in engaging with training/further training what areas would be of most interest to you?
Scaling and growing the businesses is our next goal and courses on international sales would help us as they are very limited.