This credit represented about 30% of the total number of subsidised interest financing granted by the bank in 2008. Women’s credit benefited companies where more than 50% of shares, shares and corresponding voting rights were held by women. Another option was that the female shareholder or associate also had the status of administrator of the SME. The areas in which companies can operate were those of production and services.
This credit was launched in April 2008 and it was due to end at the end of July 2009. The campaign aimed at companies where there was at least one female shareholder, manager or administrator and it gave women access to ten types of products in the SME credit category. The maximum amount granted was about 1.5 million euros for a company or group of companies, depending on the type of credit. The credit destination could be working capital for current activity or investments for development.
Five specific measures are covered by this Programme. By including women in the selection criteria, projects benefit from an additional score of 15 to 20 points, depending on the measure accessed. The development of micro-enterprises to obtain an alternative source of income,
particularly by women, who demonstrated their ability to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the PNDR for the start-up of new businesses (especially in the field of tourism).
The main objective of the de minimis scheme provided for under the multiannual national programme for the development of entrepreneurship among women in the small and medium-sized enterprises sector is to stimulate and support the start-up and development of private economic structures set up by women, to promote an information and training system to facilitate women’s mobility in the labour market and to develop their entrepreneurial skills in order to engage in private economic structures, in the context of problems related to maintaining the balance between family and professional obligations and local prejudices.
This is a project financed by European funds, namely the European Social Fund, through the Human Capital Operational Programme (POCU) under the funding line “Romania Start Up Plus”. It aims to encourage entrepreneurship in the West Region (specifically the counties of Arad, Caraş-Severin, Hunedoara and Timiş) by creating a dynamic and sustainable framework, conducive to the development of entrepreneurial skills, the establishment and support of non-agricultural enterprises in urban areas. It lasts 36 months, implementing from January 2018 to January 2021. 38 entrepreneurs have received funding of up to EUR 37,000 for the proposed businesses.