
New companies – loans with rate 0″ is a governmental initiative dedicated to the start up installed in the last 12 month, managed by young or woman. The loan finances investment projects for a maximum amount of 1,5 Millions Euro, covering 75% of the investment. This financial line includes investment for the transformation of agricultural products

In the frame of special measures promoting loans guaranteed by the State (80% of guarantee), a special session is dedicated to the woman’s companies, offering special conditions and priority access. This form of loans concerns both capital and personal companies.

Bonus for woman in agriculture”, is a special initiative offering loans with rate 0 to the woman managing farming activity. The amount of loans can reach a maximum of 300.000 Euro, financing the 95% of investments, with a maximum duration of 15 years.

The main call of Rural Development Program (RDP) relevant to the financial support for investment in agriculture, recognize a priority for woman in the frame of selection criteria

Thanks to an agreement between the Ministry of economic development and the Union of Chambers of industry, commerce and agriculture, signed in the year 1999, in each territorial chamber are installed special committees for woman entrepreneurship, promoting projects and actions to foster their competitiveness.