
The aim of the Small Grant Scheme for Entrepreneurial Women is to increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurs by developing or designing and implementing innovations in one of the three areas: environmental technologies, innovation in inland or maritime waters or technologies improving the quality of life. Projects under this scheme can simultaneously contribute to increasing the knowledge, skills or entrepreneurial competence necessary to maintain and develop a business.

In the meeting program:
– a lecture with Sophie Cholody, the patroness of the city.
– Networking with business women
– business card lottery and gifts from KKP Patners
– lunch (included)
– great atmosphere and invaluable new relationships

The project entitled The project “Entrepreneurial women 2.0” is implemented under Priority Axis 8 Labour Market, Measure 8.3 Selfemployment, entrepreneurship and creation of new jobs ROP WD 2014-2020 by the Centre for Consultancy and Training “Europrojekt” in partnership with the Psychotherapy and Mediation Studio.

Over the last 20 years, the Polish food sector in Poland has undergone significant transformations. It successfully survived the economic crisis. Thanks to constant technical, technological and organizational development, Poland is the eighth largest exporter of food from among the EU countries, and offers great potential for organic food production.
What challenges are facing the food market in Poland? What are the latest trends and technologies? Should further market consolidation and further acquisitions be expected?
The above and many other questions will be answered by experts during the conference “Food sector in Poland – development, processing, trade”, which will take place already on 29 November 2019 in Warsaw.

The aim of the project is to make women in Poland self-determining, causative and financially independent. Therefore, they comprehensively support women’s entrepreneurship, through: developing women’s professional community, initiating acceleration and business programs, popularizing women’s networks of business angels and financing instruments for start-ups.

This is a unique 6-month course for 16 women. The project is chargeable

support for the future and present entrepreneur

Project purpose:
– To develop the role of advisory services in the decision-making process of farmers, taking into account the diversity of farming structures and styles, by analysing farmers’ networks in 8 areas of innovation in 26 European regions.
– Creation of a network of demonstration farms (“Living Labs”) to develop
and test new methods and advisory tools (including ICT-supported information and communication technologies).
– Assessment of the effects of management of agricultural advisory systems – knowledge gathering activities, shaping national and European policies, spreading knowledge and competences of agricultural advisors.
– To develop a common, homogeneous approach to advisory service activities adapted to the diversity of European agricultural systems’ circumstances and history.

Running your own business is often a great solution to reconcile the duties of a young parent with the needs of professional development. Often, however, starting a business, gaining money for a start is too big a barrier. That is why projects such as “From idea to project – comprehensive support for women in setting up a business” come to your aid.