
If you are starting, running or growing a business in Ireland, ‘ThinkBusiness’ has the free guides, tools and templates you need to help you start and thrive.

Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI)
The FSAI is state agency that takes the steps to ensure that food consumed, produced, distributed or marketed in the Ireland meets the highest standards of food safety and hygiene. They are a fantastic resource for Start-Up and existing food enterprises as they provide information relating to HACCP, codes of good practice, food legislation and training.
Advice line: 1890 33 66 77
FSAI Food Legislation
FSAI Starting a Food Business…
FSAI Food Safety Training…
You are responsible for ensuring the food you produce is safe.

KHNI translate the latest developments in nutrition science, food trends and policy into actionable insights for the food and beverage industry. Our contributors are experts from diverse fields, including PhD scientists, dietitians, regulatory specialists, and marketing professionals. Whom collectively strive to provide trusted, science-based approaches to understanding nutrition, taste and general wellness to consumers and industry.

Bespoke toolkits as part of our business supports for Taste the Island of Ireland. Here you will find step-by-step guidance on how your business can be part of the comprehensive Taste the Island campaign. ‘Taste the island – a celebration of Ireland’s food and drink’. It is designed to provide visitors with access to authentic food and drink, high quality local ingredients and world class Irish food and drink experiences. Both the industry and brand toolkits are full of practical and easy ways for your business to be part of Taste the Island and benefit from the tailored resources available for this initiative.…

Love Irish Food aims to help shoppers make informed choices about buying Irish manufactured food and drinks. To safeguard the future of food and drink manufacturing in Ireland. Behind every Irish product on the shelves is a real home-grown story about people working from farm to factory to supermarket floor to bring you your great quality Irish product. And it’s those people that we want you to think about and hopefully, together, we can make a real difference to their livelihoods. If you are a FFE this is you we are talking about.
Love Irish brand logo confirms a food/ drink product is made in the Republic of Ireland using Local ingredients where they are available. Become a member now.

Provide FFEs with information on the supports available to small food, drink and horticulture businesses in Ireland.
Here are also free online training to food producers and information on trade events in Ireland to showcase and attend.…/upcoming-events/…/trade-fairs/

Check out the research publication section of the Bord Bia website and study the latest research of consumer and industry trends and insights in your area…

Membership organisation providing full-service restaurants, coffees shops, hotel restaurants, gastropubs, golf clubs and cookery schools in Ireland. Providing members with legislation, a network, training, qualified staff, up to date resources and information relevant to their sector and the challenges that come to fruition.

The Taste Council is a voluntary representative group of the smaller food business sector made up largely of local, artisan and speciality food producer
Guide for SME’s – Taste-Council-Guide-for-Small-Food-Businesses.pdf

Coworking spaces are a great option for startups and self-employed professionals who can’t afford to maintain an office. Coworking spaces suit startups and freelancers due to the pay-as-you-use business model. Here us a list of Coworking spaces, location and prices avaiable in Ireland.…

Teagasc is the agriculture and food development authority in Ireland. Its mission is to support science-based innovation in the agri-food sector and the broader bioeconomy that will underpin profitability, competitiveness and sustainability
Teagasc Food Research Centres –…/research-centres/