Portal VERSLI MAMA is a platform for empowering women raising children through marketing communication, education and project management.
We motivate, provide inspiration, inform those mothers who want to start their own business or already have it and are trying to develop it. On the portal, we write on topics relevant to small business, provide private consulting on business creation and marketing, organize trainings and implement projects for the well-being of women raising children.

Women Go Tech was launched by Association INFOBALT and World Economic Forum initiative Global Shapers Vilnius in 2016.
Our goal is to empower women to seek for professional careers within tech sector and to strengthen gender equality in the labour market as well as women leadership.
We envision to create 500 success stories of women in tech by 2021, by helping them to:
– Find a job in TECH
– Get promoted in TECH
– Establish a TECH start-up
The programme is supported by key TECH enterprises located in Lithuania as well as Lithuania TECH start-ups and has also gained international recognition across various global events.
Throughout the 3 seasons:
– Out of 240 programme alumni, 126 have already reached their goals within TECH.
– More than 120 mentors and counsellors have shared their knowledge.
– We have organized and attended over 100 events in Lithuania and abroad, reaching more than 5000 people.

The Women for Global Challenges program aims to promote the active involvement of the professional community in sustainable innovation. To create innovations and products of the future based on the goals of sustainable development. The world is uniting to tackle global challenges such as climate change, poverty, quality education, the cities of the future, sustainable renewable energy and more. To bring together professional women and men, from different industries, to address common challenges and promote female entrepreneurship. Provide an opportunity to experiment and test ideas that are relevant to solving global challenges. Free 3 month program for women innovation, involving 30 teams, 200 girls.
• For the best performing teams financial prizes for the development of their ideas, expert, mentor consultations, training in business cultivation, innovation development, leadership.

Learning program for women.
You will be able to build a business on your own
You will choose the right form of business
You will form a business plan and prepare an idea for implementation
Knowing the customer’s needs, you will be able to sell

The main goal of the network is to help women to start a successful business, to promote women’s business development initiatives. Organizes various trainings, conferences, projects to help women create and develop businesses.
The FREE project (“Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship in Remote Areas”) aims to empower, inspire and support entrepreneurial women living in remote areas. The number of women looking to start their own business is constantly growing. However, many of them face certain difficulties that are unique to women. The special need for business support is noticeable in the outermost regions: insufficiently developed infrastructure, lack of suitable premises, business support organizations do not pay as much attention as it should: difficult and rarely available specialized training, consultations. In response, 7 partners from different European countries: Iceland, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Croatia and Lithuania, initiated the FREE project. We aim to help start a business for women who have just started it or just have a business idea yet. We want them to become successful entrepreneurs. For women living in remote areas from major cities, we offer specialized distance learning, which delves into both business development and internal personal resources, psychological aspects.

A voluntary and independent organization that seeks to promote women’s entrepreneurship and participation in the national economy and international projects, strengthen their mutual cooperation in the fields of business, self-development and self-expression, as well as use their creative and organizational potential in public benefit projects.
The association organizes meetings in Vilnius and other cities. Various speakers are invited to the events: entrepreneurs, economists, politicians, diplomats, active public figures, speaking on business organization, development and personal development, and other relevant topics. We also visit the companies of the members of the association, where we get to know the activities of the members.

Go Forward Academy for Women’s Leadership. It offers not only professional and personal growth training programs, but also the opportunity to become part of a community ready to share success stories and experiences. The Go Forward Academy community is full of inspiration, networking and new projects. Trainings for students, leaders and managers are taking place. This is how women’s leadership grows and strengthens.