Olejowy Raj
What was the seed for what is now your food business?
This business was my idea. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been taking care of a healthy lifestyle. I have read a lot about the effects of oils and omega-3 on our health. Finally, I decided to go forth and start my business.
What has been the biggest challenge you have overcome or lesson you have learnt as a female food entrepreneur?
I had to pledge my private property to start a business which was very stressful for me. Betting everything “on one card” taught me that in my life I had to be willing and take the risk to achieve success. The was no funding available for me to start a business and one of the biggest problems was to secure the money to start up and buy equipment etc. My competition in this sector is high, which I find challenging because other businesses do not like to communicate or help one another in share ideas.
What advice would you give to aspiring female food entrepreneurs?
My best piece of advice for FFEs in business or starting up is to:
- be brave and act fast
- do not give up after the first failures, learn from them and keep going
- it’s easy to be chaotic but it is important to be systematic
If there was training available for you before you set up your business would you use it, or did you do any training.
If there was a training available for me before I set up my business, I would have loved to attend. Especially training that included mentors to provide some support and to talk FFEs through ideas that. This would and could have saved me some time and money.
If you were interested in engaging with training/further training what areas would be of most interest to you?
At the moment I feel quite confident, I took many different trainings available now, the most difficult was to start up. But training that provides mentoring I feel would be very valuable to FFEs starting up and growing in businesses.